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Crying in the Wilderness

Charlene E. Cothran

Some how I knew not to skip the Flagler County, FL School Board meeting last night

although I spent most of the afternoon trying to talk myself out of going. For what??!! I thought. I don't have any kids in the district's schools so why the Hockey sticks am I worried about a school board acting like they want to listen to a confused girl and her confused father about adopting false "pronoun" policies to "protect" so-called transgendered students? I say 'so-called' because a person of one sex has NEVER actually made a 'transition' to the opposite sex. They simply IMPERSONATE their desired disorder. And then I thought about the last school board meeting and the blatant lies told by the local media and other online sources about my comments and character. I thought about the several anonymous phones calls I received days after, filled with nasty expletives, hatred and intolerance. I saved them.

"I'm NOT going!"...I said out loud to make my self believe it.

I thought about how my real estate firm deactivated my employment agreement the very next day after my appearance in support of traditional family values was made public.

Thankfully, four other Brokers who heard about it extended invitations to work with their firms. I'm all settled in at a new company. Nope. I'm NOT going!!!

Finally, I thought about this young girl's future and the future of all the other children in

the district. I thought about how, in my college youth, I WAS this young girl; same hair cut; same hoody; same jeans. That's when I knew I HAD to go. Someone has to reveal the Truth to this young girl and her family. Someone has to take a stand and tell the school board that changing district policy to mirror cultural confusion is NOT going o change the Truth. She is a girl and she knows it. Her mother and father know it. Her sibling know it. Her classmates and teachers know it! The only ones they'd be fooling by labeling her with males pronouns is...well...NOBODY. We ALL know she is a GIRL! To force all the other children in the district to 'play crazy' and pretend they're addressing a male student

is not only ridiculous but HARMFUL to their overall development, so says the American College of Pediatrics. Their highly respected study clearly states the dangers of gender ideologies on confused youth. Regretfully, many parents and teachers are confused as well.

So I packed my printed parent materials, grabbed my "Stop Lying" sign and headed over to the Flagler County Government Services Bldg. where the school board meeting was

soon to begin.

Fresh off the Martin Luther King Holiday and truly missing the legends of the REAL Civil Rights Movement, I suddenly had a flashback to the early 1980's. I remembered the leadership of the Rev. Joseph E. Lowery, a past President of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. I remember standing there watching as Rev. Lowery, Yolanda and Bernice King stood outside a big box store in Midtown Atlanta, GA with signs, on a bone-chilling afternoon, protesting. I was in absolute awe because it was just the three of them!!

They were all famous Civil Rights activists yet NOBODY paid them one bit of attention, except, me. I HAD to stop and ask why? What was so important to make them stand out in the cold? And even more intriguing,...was why didn't ANYONE seem to care? Rev. Lowery and the King daughters gladly handed me a flyer and began to explain how this store imported goods from South Africa where the evils of apartheid oppressed people of color. They were bringing awareness to their community and nation about an issue that was SO WRONG that today it no longer exists. Given who they were they knew THEY were the ones who had take the stand. At the time, the issue was so far removed from the average Joe on the street that he could not become concerned.

My past as a homosexual rights activist, turned sold-out, SET FREE & DELIVERED woman of faith and power requires that I'm the one who has to take the stand in this hour, in my own community. Given my past mistakes, God was so merciful to protect me from dangerous puberty blocking shots which cause sterilization; from unnecessary mastectomy of healthy breasts to look more like a man; from suicidal thoughts (20 times more suicidal than their peer groups) because NONE of that brings peace given that

'transition' NEVER actually occurs.

Parents, teachers and faculty are afraid to speak up. Seniors don't feel an urgency concerning the issue because, well, their kids are grown. The only ones showing up to do any talking are homosexuals and their allies, but that's OK. I'll take them on, one meeting at a time, until mothers, fathers and grandparents get educated and become outraged and begin to show up and speak out. I'll take them on, one meeting at a time, until STUDENTS rise up and demand the end of the dark cloud of homosexual indoctrination and gender foolishness. These evils should not be hovering over our students at school.

I MUST cry aloud in a wilderness of sexual perversion in hopes of waking up a sleeping community, stirring up reluctant parents and calling out complacent leaders who know THIS IS WRONG.

WE MUST do this; ALL of us. WE have the awesome opportunity and responsibility to save our schools and our students from the misery of an artificial life of homosexuality and from the dangers and horrors of gender ideologies.

#Flagler County school board #transgender #homosexuality #Parents wake up!

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